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Boosting Business Efficiency: How Q-int Transforms Waiting into Profits

Yohai Sitbon

07, Nov, 2023


In the fast-paced world of business, time is money, and every moment counts. When it comes to managing queues, we often think of it as a necessary inconvenience, but what if I told you that it could be a goldmine waiting to be tapped into? Hi, I’m Yohai, one of the co-founders of Q-int. I’m here to show you how our innovative queue management system can be a game-changer for your business

The Hidden Cost of Waiting

We all know that waiting in line is a part of life, whether it’s at a restaurant, retail store, clinic, or any other place where services are in demand. But have you ever stopped to think about the hidden costs of those lines? Time is one of the most valuable assets for both customers and businesses. Every minute spent waiting is a minute that could have been used more productively, either by the customer or your staff

Return on Investment (ROI)

Now, let’s talk numbers. When you invest in Q-int, you’re not just purchasing a queue management system; you’re investing in the future of your business. Our customers have reported significant ROI, with increased customer satisfaction, higher sales, and better staff utilization. Don’t just take our word for it – we have real-world examples of businesses benefiting from Q-int’s impact

Business Development Opportunities

Q-int isn’t just a queue management system; it’s a gateway to business growth. By enhancing the customer experience, we help you build brand loyalty and attract new customers. Furthermore, with our system in place, you can explore new avenues for business development. Expanding your services, optimizing staff schedules, and exploring new markets become viable options

Business Model and Sustainability

A strong business model is the backbone of any successful venture. At Q-int, we’ve built a sustainable model that grows with your business. Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that your investment remains valuable, even as your business evolves


In a world where every second matters, Q-int empowers your business to make the most of those seconds. We’re not just simplifying queues but boosting your business’s efficiency, profitability, and growth potential. Join us in this journey to transform waiting experiences, and let’s turn those queues into opportunities
Stay tuned for more insights from our team at Q-int, where we’re dedicated to reshaping the future of business, one queue at a time

Provide your organization and customers the innovation they deserve

There’s nothing to lose but the wait.


On-Demand Service Reminders

Businesses can trigger push and sms notifications to prompt customers when it's their turn to receive services.

Transparent Queue Management

We provide transparent queue management, enhancing trust and satisfaction. Customers can view their position in real-time via the QR code scanning or manual entry.

Feedback and Rating

We empower customers to share their feedback and rate their experience effortlessly.


Whether it's supermarkets, malls, or boutique stores, Q-Int eradicates lengthy queue...


From hospitals and clinics to pharmacies, our platform optimizes patient flow...

Hospitality & Food Services

Restaurants, cafes, and nightlife venues can redefine the waiting experience by allowing...