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We build simple & Powerful products for the queue management industry.


At Q-int, we are dedicated to developing user-friendly and highly effective products tailored specifically for the queue management industry. 

Numbers about us


Years of experience


Satisfied businesses


Customer focused projects



How We Grow

The Q-int platform can be customized to look, sound, and answer the specific pain points of just about any industry.
Continuous Innovation

We are constantly innovating our products and services to stay ahead of the curve and meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Investment in Talent

We are investing in top talent across various domains to fuel our growth and drive innovation in our organization.

Product Diversification

We are diversifying our product offerings to cater to a wider range of customer needs and preferences, ensuring sustained growth and market relevance.

Customer-Centric Approach

Our growth is driven by a relentless focus on understanding and addressing the needs of our customers, ensuring that our solutions deliver tangible value and ROI.


At Q-Int, we’re not just managing queues; we’re transforming the very essence of waiting. Our mission goes beyond the operational—it’s about enriching customer experiences and enhancing business efficiency. We’re steadfast in our commitment to delivering innovative, cutting-edge queue management solutions that serve diverse industries.

The end result? Reduced wait times and delighted customers who find value in every moment spent waiting.


We see a world where waiting is no longer a mere pause but a realm of possibilities. As the world’s leading queue management solution, we are focused on elevating the customer journey by leveraging advanced technology and personalized engagement. We don’t just aspire to be a part of the industry; we aim to define it.
Through relentless innovation, we’re setting new benchmarks for what it means to wait, turning ordinary queues into extraordinary experiences. In doing so, we’re redefining the dynamics between businesses and customers, transforming waiting into a seamless and rewarding part of service interactions.

Provide your organization and customers the innovation they deserve

There’s nothing to lose but the wait.

Contact US

We are here to listen and help in any case or request you may have.
Do not hesitate to contact us – we are available all the time and waiting to talk to you.

Connect with Our Experts

Or just call us

+972 50 885 4434


    On-Demand Service Reminders

    Businesses can trigger push and sms notifications to prompt customers when it's their turn to receive services.

    Transparent Queue Management

    We provide transparent queue management, enhancing trust and satisfaction. Customers can view their position in real-time via the QR code scanning or manual entry.

    Feedback and Rating

    We empower customers to share their feedback and rate their experience effortlessly.


    Whether it's supermarkets, malls, or boutique stores, Q-Int eradicates lengthy queue...


    From hospitals and clinics to pharmacies, our platform optimizes patient flow...

    Hospitality & Food Services

    Restaurants, cafes, and nightlife venues can redefine the waiting experience by allowing...