馃摚 Every week, we launch a new version into the world. Join our vision and discover


Yohai Sitbon

Boosting Business Efficiency: How Q-int Transforms Waiting into Profits

In the fast-paced world of business, time is money, and every moment counts. When it comes…

stephen Williams

Behind the Innovation: The Technology That Powers Q-int’s Success

In the fast-paced world of business, time is money, and every moment counts. When it comes…

Ran Shoshan

The Power of Q-int: Transforming Waiting into Exceptional Experiences

Hello, I’m Ran, and I’m passionate about product development. Today, I want to take you on a journey into the heart…

Provide your organization and customers the innovation they deserve

There鈥檚 nothing to lose but the wait.

Contact US

Q-Int鈥檚 solution is not confined to a single vertical; its versatile design allows for implementation across a multitude of sectors. Each industry can unlock specific benefits in customer experience, operational efficiency, and targeted marketing.

Connect with Our Experts

Or just call us

+972 50 885 4434


    On-Demand Service Reminders

    Businesses can trigger push and sms notifications to prompt customers when it's their turn to receive services.

    Transparent Queue Management

    We provide transparent queue management, enhancing trust and satisfaction. Customers can view their position in real-time via the QR code scanning or manual entry.

    Feedback and Rating

    We empower customers to share their feedback and rate their experience effortlessly.


    Whether it's supermarkets, malls, or boutique stores, Q-Int eradicates lengthy queue...


    From hospitals and clinics to pharmacies, our platform optimizes patient flow...

    Hospitality & Food Services

    Restaurants, cafes, and nightlife venues can redefine the waiting experience by allowing...